Users are encouraged to extend or modify the framework to their liking. For example, some people may want to add more colors, fonts, or additional spacing values.
The framework was built with sass. For more information on how to use sass, click here.
Directory Structure
The directory structure roughly follows the 7-1 architecture.
. ├── LICENSE ├── README.md └── stylesheets ├── abstracts │ ├── _functions.scss │ ├── _mixins.scss │ ├── README.md │ └── _variables.scss ├── base │ ├── _base.scss │ ├── _fonts.scss │ ├── _helpers.scss │ ├── README.md │ └── _typography.scss ├── components │ ├── _background.scss │ ├── _borders.scss │ ├── _box_shadow.scss │ ├── _button.scss │ ├── _display.scss │ ├── _flex.scss │ ├── _links.scss │ ├── _lists.scss │ ├── _position.scss │ ├── README.md │ ├── _sizing.scss │ ├── _spacing.scss │ └── _typography.scss ├── layout │ ├── _footer.scss │ ├── _grid.scss │ ├── _header.scss │ └── README.md ├── main.css ├── main.css.map ├── main.scss ├── pages │ ├── _home.scss │ └── README.md ├── README.md ├── themes │ ├── _default.scss │ └── README.md └── vendors ├── _normalize.scss └── README.md
Sass Maps and Default Values
The easiest way to add or modify any of the provided classes is to modify the sass maps and default values that live in the /stylesheets/abstracts/_variables.scss file.
Once changes have been made, compile the sass by running the command sass stylesheets/main.scss stylesheets/main.css
$horizontal-gutter-width: 1.5rem; $vertical-gutter-width: 1.5rem; $column-number: 12; $font-family-sans-serif: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, avenir next, avenir, segoe ui, helvetica neue, helvetica, Ubuntu, roboto, noto, arial, sans-serif; $font-family-serif: Iowan Old Style, Apple Garamond, Baskerville, Times New Roman, Droid Serif, Times, Source Serif Pro, serif, Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, Segoe UI Symbol; $font-family-mono: Menlo, Consolas, Monaco, Liberation Mono, Lucida Console, monospace; $default-font-family: $font-family-sans-serif; $default-border-width: map.get( $border-widths, "0" ); $default-border-color: map.get( $colors, "black"); $default-font-size: map.get($font-sizes, "6"); $default-line-height: map.get($line-heights, "md"); $colors: ( "blue": #0d6efd, "indigo": #6610f2, "purple": #6f42c1, "pink": #d63384, "red": #dc3545, "orange": #fd7e14, "yellow": #ffc107, "green": #198754, "teal": #20c997, "cyan": #0dcaf0, "white": #fff, "gray-100": #f8f9fa, "gray-200": #e9ecef, "gray-300": #dee2e6, "gray-400": #ced4da, "gray-500": #adb5bd, "gray-600": #6c757d, "gray-700": #495057, "gray-800": #343a40, "gray-900": #212529, "black": #000 ); $font-sizes: ( "6": 1rem, "5": 1.25rem, "4": 1.5rem, "3": 2.25rem, "2": 3rem, "1": 5rem ); $small-font-sizes: ( "sm": .875rem, "xs": .75rem, "xxs": .625rem ); $font-weights: ( "100": 100, "200": 200, "300": 300, "400": 400, "500": 500, "600": 600, "700": 700, "800": 800, "900": 900, "normal": 400, "bold": 700 ); $font-styles: ( "normal": normal, "italic": italic ); $line-heights: ( "1": 1, "md": 1.25, "lg": 1.5 ); $link-styles: ( "underline": underline, "no-underline": none ); $list-styles: ( null: none, "numbered": roman, "bulleted": disc ); $list-positions: ( "inside": inside, "outside": outside ); $text-alignments: ( "left": left, "center": center, "right": right, "justify": justify ); $background-gradients: ( "1": linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.329), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)), "2": linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.493), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)), "3": linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.747), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)) ); $border-styles: ( null: solid, "none": none ); $border-widths: ( "0": .0625rem, "1": .125rem, "2": .25rem, "3": .5rem, "4": 1rem, "5": 2rem ); $border-radii: ( "1": .25rem, "2": .5rem, "3": .75rem, "4": 1rem, "5": 2rem ); $displays: ( "none": "none", "block": "block", "inline-block": "inline-block", "flex": "flex" ); $flex-directions: ( "row": "row", "col": "column", "row-reverse": "row-reverse", "col-reverse": "column-reverse" ); $flex-wraps: ( "wrap": "wrap", "wrap-reverse": "wrap-reverse", "no-wrap": "nowrap" ); $flex-justifications: ( "start": "flex-start", "center": "center", "end": "flex-end", "between": "space-between", "around": "space-around", "evenly": "space-evenly" ); $flex-alignments: ( "start": "flex-start", "center": "center", "end": "flex-end", "stretch": "stretch" ); $flex-align-selves: ( "start": "flex-start", "center": "center", "end": "flex-end", "stretch": "stretch" ); $flex-orders: ( "0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3, "4": 4, "5": 5 ); $positions: ( "static": "static", "relative": "relative", "absolute": "absolute", "fixed": "fixed" ); $position-values: ( "-2": -2rem, "-1": -1rem, "0": 0, "1": 1rem, "2": 2rem ); $box-shadows: ( "none": none, "sm": 0 0 .5rem map.get($colors, "gray-500"), "md": 0 0 1rem map.get($colors, "gray-500"), "lg": 0 0 2rem map.get($colors, "gray-500"), ); $sizing-percentages: ( "auto": auto, "0": 0%, "10": 10%, "20": 20%, "30": 30%, "40": 40%, "50": 50%, "60": 60%, "70": 70%, "80": 80%, "90": 90%, "100": 100% ); $sizing-scales: ( "1": 4rem, "2": 5rem, "3": 6rem, "4": 10rem, "5": 15rem, "6": 30rem, "7": 50rem, "8": 75rem, "9": 100rem ); $spacings: ( "0": 0rem, "1": .25rem, "2": .5rem, "3": 1rem, "4": 2rem, "5": 4rem, "6": 8rem ); $margin-spacings: ( "auto": auto, "0": 0rem, "1": .25rem, "2": .5rem, "3": 1rem, "4": 2rem, "5": 4rem, "6": 8rem ); $padding-spacings: ( "0": 0rem, "1": .25rem, "2": .5rem, "3": 1rem, "4": 2rem, "5": 4rem, "6": 8rem ); $breakpoints: ( "sm": 576px, "md": 768px, "lg": 992px );